
Early Paleozoic metaturbidite-hosted Au-As-W-B mineralization, believed to be of a style previously unknown in southern Africa, has been discovered in the ensialic inland branch of the Pan-African Damara Orogen. A 2500-m-long zone of gold mineralization is hosted by altered Kuiseb Formation schist, quartz veins, and mylonite rocks in the aureole of a leucogranite and rare element pegmatite dome on the farm Sandamap Noord, west of Usakos, central Namibia. Au/As fluids either mobilized from the metasediments by and/or expelled from the stanniferous pegmatites and leucogranite were concentrated in NNE-trending Damaran D4 structures. Rb-Sr whole-rock dates and Pb-Pb model ages indicate that the gold mineralizing event occurred at 469-464 Ma. The three main types of alteration/mineralization are: a kaolinite-alunite rock (possibly advanced argillic alteration) that contains < 1 g/t Au, a jarosite schist that contains up to 46 g/t Au, and a massive grunerite rock that contains up to 0.5 g/t Au. Associated alter...

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