
In their roles as senior managers, Chief Information Officers (CIOs) are often responsible for the initiation and implementation of information systems (ISs) that are vital to the success, and even survival of the firm. In so doing, CIOs must exercise influence successfully in order to attain these objectives. The strategic role of the CIO is becoming ever more complex, requiring an expansion of the organisational and structural possibilities for filling that role. This research examines CIO role in Iranian organisations. In this paper, results from a survey of Iranian CIOs are presented. Iranian CIOs have on average worked in the current organisation for eight years, have worked in information technology (IT) for 12 years, report mostly to the financial director, have 11 people reporting to them. A large percentage has at least a master’s degree. Also, formal IS planning tended to be adopted by organisations with higher annual revenue, larger number of total employees, and broader span of control (i.e., the number of people reporting to the CIO). Higher CIO reporting level was also associated with greater extent of information systems plan implementation.

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