
Considering the presently available data it is clear that the Root effect represents an exaggerated alkaline Bohr effect which occurs in the absence of a normal acid Bohr effect and is associated with a loss of oxygen binding capacity at low pH. Undoubtedly at the molecular level the presence of a Ser residue at position F9(94)β in these haemoglobin is of primary importance. No Root effect haemoglobin has yet been identified which lacks this substitution. On the other hand however many haemoglobins are known which possess this Ser residue and at the same time lack a Root effect. Other factors arising from interactions at other sites in the haemoglobin molecule are obviously sufficient to negate the otherwise stabilizing effect of this critical Ser residue. The loss of cooperativity of Root effect systems as the pH is lowered is readily explained as due to stabilization of the low affinity T state to such a degree that the switch to the high affinity R state is suppressed even in the fully liganded molecule. The observation of Hill coefficients of less than unity requires that within the T state chain heterogeneity exists such that the α and β chain haems demonstrate significantly different affinities for ligand. The physiological role of Root effect haemoglobins is demonstrably not inevitably linked to the swim bladder but more probably arose from the need to oxygenate the poorly vascularized retina of many fishes. Apart from their own intrinsic interest, undoubtedly Root effect haemoglobins will continue to provide the experimental means by which to test general theories of cooperative function; being the only systems easily modulated between pure T and pure R state compositions.

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