
DNA protection during starvation (Dps) proteins are important for bacterial oxidative stress responses. This study aims to understand the roles and characteristics of the two Dps homologs in Deinococcus radiodurans: Dps-1 and Dps-2. Dps-2 contains a predicted signal peptide and in vivo localization of Dps-2 reveals that its location is non-cytoplasmic. β-galactosidase assays show that the Dps-2 promoter is upregulated in the presence of H2O2 and the results from the DNA protection assay show that Dps-2 is able to protect DNA efficiently against reactive oxygen species (ROS). Dps-2 has a C-terminal extension that is needed for assembly into a dodecamer but not for DNA binding. Dps-1 is assembled from six dimers and stoichiometric experiments reveal that the stoichiometry of Dps-1 binding to 22 bp DNA substrate is 1:6, meaning that Dps-1has six DNA binding sites. However, for the 26 bp DNA substrate, the stoichiometry is 1:4, suggesting that the protein can interact with both faces of a DNA duplex provided there are two consecutive major grooves on each face. Furthermore, mutation of the surface arginine (Arg132) causes a decrease in DNA binding, which indicates that this residue is involved in the path of DNA binding of Dps-1 after the initial contact is made with the N-terminus. A model for the mode of Dps-1 binding to genomic DNA is proposed based on these observations. Dps-1 has a unique metal site at the end of the N-terminal extension and mutations of this site cause the protein to exist as a hexamer and this lead to a significant reduction in DNA binding. The mutant protein (Dps-HE) breaks down into dimers and loses its ability to bind DNA upon removal of divalent metals, wherease removal of metals from full-length Dps-1 has no effect on oligomeric state. These findings suggest that the N-terminal metal site is needed for proper assembly, but once the protein oligomerizes to a dodecamer, metals are no longer required to maintain the dodecameric state. These results suggest that the role of Dps-1 might be to organize genomic DNA while the role of Dps-2 might be to provide protection against incoming ROS.

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