
s / Placenta 35 (2014) A1eA112 A26 intercotyledonary area and umbilical cord, and fetal anasarca in the last trimester of pregnancy. We hypothesized that the transition from the choriovitelline placenta to the allantochorionic placenta is a critical period for SCNT conceptus survival. Our cloning program started one year ago and 236 recipient cows have been synchronized for embryo transfer on fixed time. The synchronization rate was 62.7% (148/236). One hundred twenty six cloned embryos by SCNT were transferred to recipients. The pregnancy rate on day 25 was 11.9% (15/126). Only one (1/15) pregnancy loss was observed until day30.However, four pregnancies losseswere observed fromdays 30 to 40 (42.9%; 4/14) and four fromdays 50 to 60 (50%; 4/8). This preliminary data confirmed the low efficiency of SCNT cloning in bovine as reported in the literature. The experimental number is still small, but the data shows that the most critical period for the conceptus development is between the embryo transfer to the first pregnancy detection. An important event at this time is the maternal recognition of pregnancy. Also, our hypothesis that the transition from the choriovitelline placenta to the allantochorionic placenta is a critical period for SCNT conceptus survival was confirmed. P1.51. THE ROLE OF THE PHOSPHOINOSITOL KINASE (PI3K) P110a IN REGULATING PLACENTAL PHENOTYPE AND FETAL GROWTH Amanda Sferruzzi-Perri, Jaspreet Khaira, Abigail Fowden, Miguel Constancia Centre for Trophoblast Research, University of Cambridge,

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