
The role of the nucleus in the formation and maintenance of the contractile vacuole in amebae was investigated using microsurgery. Amebae were cut in two, forming nucleated and enucleated portions that either contained or lacked a contractile vacuole. The total numbers of cells and the numbers containing a contractile vacuole in these different categories were determined at intervals after the operation. In both nucleates and enucleates that initially contained a contractile vacuole, the contractile vacuole was maintained for as long as the cell survived. Enucleated fragments that lacked a contractile vacuole did not regenerate one. In contrast, nucleated portions initially lacking a contractile vacuole regenerated a contractile vacuole, usually within 1 h. The results indicate that the nucleus is required for the formation of a new contractile vacuole but that the nucleus is not necessary for the maintenance of the contractile vacuole.

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