
The development of today's technology has influenced people's lives both in cities and in villages. The presence of technology really helps today's life from various aspects, starting from the world of social and cultural education. but on the other hand the presence of technology also has a negative impact on life, such as the decline of moral and religious values in life, especially among mothers. Therefore, the existence of a teacher or taklim assembly can increase the awareness of women to study religion and deepen the study of Islamic sciences. The purpose of this research is to find out the role of the assembly in increasing the worship of women in Sungai Harapan Village. In this research, the authors used a qualitative descriptive method, a method that describes social phenomena as they are. As for data collection techniques, observation and interviews with the chairman of the taklim assembly. In data analysis, the authors used descriptive analysis, which is a form of analysis in the form of explanations exploring the main ideas related to the topics discussed. After conducting research on the role of the taklim assembly in improving the quality of the women's worship in Sungai Harapan village, the result was that the presence of the taklim assembly played an important role in increasing the women's worship. about the religion of Islam also increased.

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