
This study aims to identify the compatibility between a numbers of business strategies conform to the form of (Miles & Snow) represented by (defenders, prospectors, analysts, and respondents) and its role on strategic success, represented by (survival, adaptation, and growth), the study population is the CC company for the drinks industry Ltd. under license from Coca-Cola in the city of Erbil Iraqi Kurdistan region. The study pursues a descriptive analytical approach, along with examine a set of hypotheses for the purpose of achieving the objectives of the study and its problem that have been tested by multiple statistical tools using statistical analysis software program (SPSS 20). A survey questionnaire prepared and distributed to managers, their deputies, supervisors and employees in the different units and in the various branches in the city of Erbil. The study population is about (85) managers and employees. The researcher has distributed (50) questionnaires, (45) questionnaires have been returned, and (42) questionnaires were valid for statistical analysis, which represents the study sample and (%49.4) of the study population. The study found number of results based on the analysis of respondents' answers such as the company has high-level rates of compatibility strategies along with the presence of correlation relationships and effect for business strategies according to the (Miles & Snow) model on strategic success. Based on the results the study presents a set of suggestions, one of the most important of these is the necessity for companies to create specialized environmental analysis units that undertake the study and evaluation of environmental changes and trends in general and competitiveness in particular, in order to face the changes that occur in the environment.


  • This study aims to identify the compatibility between a numbers of business strategies conform to the form of (Miles & Snow) represented by (defenders, prospectors, analysts, and respondents) and its role on strategic success, represented by (survival, adaptation, and growth), the study population is the CC company for the drinks industry Ltd. under license from Coca-Cola in the city of Erbil Iraqi Kurdistan region

  • ‫و تشیر نتائج أنموذج الانحدار المتعدد الموضح في الجدول (‪ )10‬الى وجود اثر لاستراتیجیات الاعمال‬ ‫على وفق أنموذج (‪ )Miles & Snow‬بشکل منفرد (المدافعون‪ ,‬المنقبون‪ ,‬المحللون‪ ,‬و المستجیبون) في‬ ‫النجاح الاستراتیجی‪ ,‬ویدعم ذلك قیمة (‪ )F‬المحسوبة حیث بلغت (‪ )8.238‬و (‪ )9.701‬و (‪)18.685‬‬ ‫و (‪ )10.804‬على التوالي والتي هي اكبر من قیمتها الجدولیة (‪ )4.0847‬وبلغ معامل التحدید (‪)R2‬‬ ‫(‪ ).171‬و (‪ ).195‬و (‪ ).318‬و (‪ ).213‬على التوالي‪ ،‬والذي یشیر الى قدرة استراتیجیات الاعمال‬ ‫على وفق أنموذج (‪ )Miles & Snow‬بشکل منفرد في تفسیر التغییرات التي تطرأ في النجاح‬ ‫الاستراتیجی بنحو (‪ )% 17.1‬و (‪ )% 19.5‬و (‪ )% 31.8‬و (‪ )% 21.3‬على التوالي‪ ,‬و قد كان اثر‬ ‫استراتیجیة المحللون في تحقیق النجاح الاستراتیجی من اقوى العلاقات التاثیریة‪ ,‬و یعزى ذلك الى محاولة‬ ‫الشركە المبحوثە بالحفاظ على الاعمال الحالیة وكفاءة العمل فیها والدفاع عنها وكذلك البحث عن فرص‬ ‫وأسواق جدیدة‪ .‬في حین كان اثر استراتیجیة المدافعون في تحقیق النجاح الاستراتیجی من اضعف العلاقات‬

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‫أ‪ -‬هل یتوفر لدى الشركە قید البحث استراتیجیات الاعمال التنافسیة على وفق أنموذج ( & ‪Miles‬‬ ‫‪ )Snow‬و النجاح الاستراتیجی ؟‬

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