
In this study it was carried out due to the reduced feeling of mutual respect and tolerance by fellow students peers who have different religious and ethnic cultural backgrounds as a result of distance learning during the Covid-19 pandemic. So than therefore, the role of social science teachers is needed to strengthen students’ pluralism attitudes. This research aims to identify and describe the role of social science teachers in strengthening pluralism students, what elements support and what is the role of the social science teacher, and what elements hinder implementation that matter. The research was conducted at State Junior High School 3 Blitar. The method used in this study is the method qualitative descriptive with data collection techniques using in-depth interviews and observation. Result of This research shows that the role of the social science teacher has been quite good in educating and motivating students to strengthen attitude of pluralism among students. There are several things that social science teachers do to form a mutual attitude respect and tolerance among students. This is also supported by several factors including the school environment conducive so that students can directly learn how to behave pluralism. But besides that there is factors inhibiting social science teachers in strengthening pluralism attitudes, including limited study hours due to the Covid-19 pandemic, as well as changes to returning to school after Covid-19 and this has restricted activities in schools.

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