
The utilization of all potentials of small and medium-sized enterprises, in terms of their contribution to the growth and development of national economy and poverty reduction, is largely conditioned by the degree of institutional support provided by the state through relevant mechanisms. The role of small and medium-sized enterprises is particularly important in transition countries, which are faced with problems of high unemployment, low level of economic activity, lack of competition, lack of investment and are dominated by large and inefficient state enterprises. For these reasons, the development of small and medium-sized enterprises is seen one of the greatest development opportunities. The methodological approach used in this study is primarily based on presenting quantitative indicators of the level of development of small and medium-sized enterprises in Serbia and EU member states, which show that there is a direct correlation between the degree of industrialization of a country and the share of small and medium-sized enterprises in its economy.


  • The utilization of all potentials of small and medium-sized enterprises, in terms of their contribution to the growth and development of national economy and poverty reduction, is largely conditioned by the degree of institutional support provided by the state through relevant mechanisms

  • The role of small and medium-sized enterprises is important in transition countries, which are faced with problems of high unemployment, low level of economic activity, lack of competition, lack of investment and are dominated by large and inefficient state enterprises

  • The methodological approach used in this study is primarily based on presenting quantitative indicators of the level of development of small and medium-sized enterprises in Serbia and EU member states, which show that there is a direct correlation between the degree of industrialization of a country and the share of small and medium-sized enterprises in its economy

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ULOGA MALIH I SREDNJIH PREDUZEĆA I PREDUZETNIŠTVA U RAZVOJU NACIONALNIH EKONOMIJA. Sažetak: Iskorišćenje svih potencijala malih i srednjih preduzeća, u smislu njihovog doprinosa rastu i razvoju nacionalnih ekonomija i smanjenju siromaštva, uslovljeno je stepenom institucionalne podrške koju posredstvom svojih mehanizama obezbeđuje država. Za tranzicione zemlje poput Srbije koje su suočene sa problemima visoke nezaposlenosti, niskog stepena privredne aktivnosti, konkurentnosti i investicija, i u kojima dominiraju velika neefikasna državna preduzeća, razvoj malih i srednjih preduzeća predstavlja jednu od najvećih razvojnih šansi. Razvoj malih i srednjih preduzeća i preduzetništva uslovljen je promenama koje danas nastaju u ekonomiji i društvu, stavljajući u prvi plan čoveka, njegovo znanje, informisanost, kreativnost što implicira brzu adaptaciju, kvalitetnost, inovativnost i fleksibilnost privrednog subjekta (Ožegović, Sajfert, 2009). Značaj malih i srednjih preduzeća se najbolje može sagledati kroz makroekonomske indikatore nacionalnih ekonomija

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