
The current research aims to demonstrate the role of relationship marketing in enhancing customer value, as the customer is today the main source in achieving profitability and expansion in markets, and that companies in general have begun to move towards customer service, and to gain his satisfaction and loyalty with the products they provide, and the research dealt with a major problem that lies in What is the knowledge of the studied Palm MasterCard company about the importance of relationship marketing? Assuming that there is a significant correlation between the dimensions of relationship marketing and the value of the customer, and a significant effect of the dimensions of relationship marketing on the value of the customer, the Master Card Palm Company was chosen, being one of the leading companies in the field of providing marketing and financial services to the beneficiary customers, as the research sample amounted to (50) male and female employees. They work in the branches of the company in question in the city of Baghdad. The descriptive and analytical approach was used for the main research variables, and the extraction of correlation and regression relationships, and a number of conclusions were reached, the most important of which were: Relationship marketing works to provide marketing and financial services to customers who benefit from the company's services in an orderly and integrated manner, which would be reflected in raising the value of the customer. Being the basic basis for the growth and expansion of the company's activities. A number of proposals were also developed, the most important of which was: Work to support the marketing activities of the relationship in all branches of companies, especially service ones.


  • ‫دور التسويق بالعلاقة في تعزيز قيمة الزبون‪ -‬دراسة‬ ‫ميدانية في شركة ‪ Master Card‬النخيل في مدينة بغداد‬

  • The descriptive and analytical approach was used for the main research variables, and the extraction of correlation and regression relationships, and a number of conclusions were reached, the most important of which were: Relationship marketing works to provide marketing and financial services to customers who benefit from the company's services in an orderly and integrated manner, which would be reflected in raising the value of the customer

  • ‫‪ -4‬من خلال الاطلاع على نتائج التحليل الاحصائي‪ ،‬تبين وجود تأثير كبير لأبعاد التسويق بالعلاقة في قيمة‬ ‫الزبون‪ ،‬وذلك على المستوى الكلي والجزئي‪ ،‬إذ تبين أن بعد الرضا جاء بالمرتبة الأولى في التأثير على‬ ‫قيمة الزبون‪ ،‬وتبعه بعد الاتصال‪ ،‬ومن ثم الالت ازم‪ ،‬وأخي ار الثقة‪ .‬وكانت قيم معاملات ‪ b‬متقاربة جدا‪ ،‬مما‬

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‫دور التسويق بالعلاقة في تعزيز قيمة الزبون‪ -‬دراسة‬ ‫ميدانية في شركة ‪ Master Card‬النخيل في مدينة بغداد‬. ‫تكمن أهمية البحث في بيان طبيعة العمل التي تستند اليها الشركة المبحوثة في تسويقها للخدمات للزبائن‬ ‫المستفيدين عبر مفاهيم التسويق بالعلاقة‪ ،‬والتي تعد من الموضوعات المهمة في نجاح عمل الشركات لاسيما‬ ‫التي هي على تواصل مباشر مع الزبائن‪ ،‬كما أن زيادة قيمة الزبون لا يأتي من ف ارغ‪ ،‬إذا ما كان هناك خدمات‬ ‫تسويقية فعلية تتميز بالجودة والموثوقية والسعر المناسب‪ ،‬والتي تنعكس في تحقيق الرضا أولا‪ ،‬ومن ثم الولاء‬ ‫يهدف البحث إلى تحقيق الآتي‪:‬‬ ‫‪ -1‬بيان دور التسويق بالعلاقة في تعزيز قيمة الزبون‪ ،‬وذلك عبر الأنشطة التسويقية الخدمية التي تقدمها‬

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