
The limitation of the global warming caused by the greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions is one of the majors stake of the XXI century. Numerous international agreements have been released toward this topic as the Earth Summit of Stockolm in 1972, the one of Rio in 1992, the Kyoto’s protocol in 1997, the Climate energy package of the European Union in 2008, the Paris Agreement in 2015 or the 2030 agenda for sustainable development of the United Nations. 15% of these GHG emissions on a global level are caused by road transportation (International energy agency, 2016). However, when an individual mooves it is the most of the time to go from a building to another building in order to enjoy the services that it offers. Thus, what is the role of the real estate in the coconstruction of the sustainable mobility? The interest of this research is to answer this question by focusing on the perception the actors of the mobility and the real estate have of this role. In fact, even if the literature is rich concerning the “real estate” and the “sustainable mobility” concepts, it is very scarce once looking for the study of these two concepts combined. In order to proceed to this research, the study of different types of materials has been made. Firstly, there has been the creative material coming from the cocreative workshop which has taken place during the 2018 edition of the Movin’On Summit. Secondly, there has been the survey distributed during the 2018 ans 2019 editions of the Movin’On Summit and during the 2019 edition of the Journées de l’Innovation (Innvation days) of the University of Quebec in Montreal School of Management (ESG UQAM). The results show on one hand that the pair “real estate-mobility” has a potential that should be better exploited, on the other hand it found a subconcious knowledge that exists toward this domain.

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