
The chemical analysis of stable combustion products found in the particulate smoke of polymeric materials is described. The chemical nature of the products produced during flaming and non-flaming modes yeilds valuable information on the possdible role of polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) in the smoke formation process. Samples of polyethylene, polypropylene, polymethylmetahcrylate and polystyrene were studied under controlled thermalo fluxes, and the first three showed similar trends: (1) In the non-flaming mode, aliphatic compounds predominated in the extractable portion of the particulate smoke. (2) In the flaming mode, PAH predominated in the extractable fraction. (3) In the non-flaming mode, of the PAH present, three- and four-membered ring compounds predominated, (4) In the flaming mode, again three- and four-membered ring compounds predominated, but many other PAH up to six-metmbered rings were found. Polysteyren gave rise to degradation products stillcontaining the basic-styrene-derived C 6 H 5 −C 2 units. The quantitative studies of polymer particulate smoke, taken together with further studies of combustion products of pure PAH, leads to a postulated chemical smoke formation pathway.

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