
The question we put here is to look for an answer whether the elites are capable of solving the problems of Bulgarian society. It is impossible to realize a fully scientific understanding of the social processes in Bulgaria. Conscientious critical reporting, monitoring, and registration will allow for a later theoretical analysis. This is not the result of scientific scepticism, but of a reality in which Bulgaria slowly, difficultly, confused, deformed enters the modern world, into a new social space. Having left a historical age with its values, it applies a way of government unable to implement the basic principles of democracy and the market economy, not only because the roads are many and unknown. And because in the market economy the behaviour of the main economic agents in the intervention of the economic institutions is decisive. Because the reformability of the society depends on the ability of the elite. According to R. Reach, „the market is a human being, a variable amount of a set of judgments about individual rights and responsibilities―. Society and the economy need strong economic elite. It is available, but it is heterogeneous. Diversity includes many contradictions and conflicts. By protecting their own interests, the individual groups try to influence the political institutions to take one or another solution that favours them.

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