
The influence of nodal rooting on branching was studied in three evolutionarily and morphologically diverse species of prostrate clonal herbs: Tradescantia fluminensis (a monocotyledonous extreme ‘phalanx’ species), Calystegia silvatica (a dicotyledonous extreme ‘guerrilla’ species) and Trifolium repens (a dicotyledonous intermediate species). In all three, branch development from axillary buds is regulated by a positive signal produced by roots together with inhibitory influences from both pre-existing branches and shoot apical buds (apical dominance). Responses to nodal roots are cumulative and increased root activity leads to more vigorous bud outgrowth. In the absence of nodal roots, a single basal root system is unable to maintain continued extension growth of the shoot. We suggest that as individual nodal roots and stem internodes are both short-lived in these nodally-rooting clonal species, the plants’ investment in them is minimal. Thus, in contrast to perennial species lacking nodal roots, individual root systems in prostrate clonal herbs are small and stems have little secondary thickening and development of long-distance transport tissues. Hence the decline in extension growth of the shoot in the absence of nodal roots could be linked to the weak development of long-distance transport tissues in their relatively thin horizontal stems and to resource sharing between primary stems and lateral branches (as suggested by the greater retardation of primary stem growth in the more profusely branched ‘phalanx’ species (Trifolium and Tradescantia) than in the weakly branched ‘guerrilla’ species, Calystegia). These findings are consistent with the view that the long-term persistence of genotypes of nodally-rooting prostrate species is dependent upon them encountering the moist conditions required to facilitate the continual development of new young nodal root systems.

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