
A study has been conducted on 268 blood group O delivering mothers and their related blood group A and B newborn infants. It reveaLed that the capability of mothers 1o produce anti-A and anti-B antibodies did not dffir significantly from each other (p > 0.05) . Ninety four (35.1Vo) ofthe newborns developed potentionaljaundice while the others did not. To predict the birth ofa baby with potential jaundice, a maternal anti-A or anti-B antibody titer of > l/256 was considered to be the cut-offpoint with a sensitivity and specificity of S3.33VoandTS.2lVorespectivelyandapositivepredictivevalueofTg.2TVoandanegativepredictivevalueof 17.57Va. Ifthematemal anti-Aoranti-Bantibody titerwas>l/256theriskforgivingbirthofababywithpotentialjaundicerosesignificantlylStimescompared to those with titers of < 1/256 (OR 18,64 ; CI 95Vo = 6.18-56.18).

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