
Mitochondria are membrane‐bound organelles composed of two membranes, the inner mitochondrial membrane (IMM) and the outer mitochondrial membrane (OMM), with the intermembrane space (IMS) localized between them. The IMM is divided into two subcompartments, the inner boundary membrane (IBM) that lies parallel to the OMM, and the cristae membrane (CM), which are IMM invaginations folded into cristae. The IBM and CM are connected at terminals forming circular‐like openings known as cristae junctions (CJs). The structural integrity of the mitochondrial CJs is maintained by the mitochondrial contact site and cristae organizing system (MICOS), a specific protein complex containing several structural and regulatory proteins. The MICOS proteins control the IMM architecture through direct membrane shaping, formation of contact sites, and biogenesis of proteins and lipids. In addition, the optic atrophy 1 (OPA1), a mitochondrial fusion protein, localized also in the CM, has been shown to participate in IMM remodeling which mediates the fusion of the IMM. The structural organization of the IMM is regulated by changes in the matrix volume of mitochondria; excessive matrix swelling in response to energetic and oxidative stress induced by pathological stimuli such as cardiac ischemia‐reperfusion (IR) impairs the integrity of CJs and thereby, alters mitochondrial function. The main goal of this study is to investigate the effects of cardiac IR‐induced swelling on OPA1 and MICOS proteins. Hearts were isolated from male Sprague Dawley rats and perfused with Krebs‐Henseleit solution (KHS) using the Langendorff‐mode technique at a constant flow rate (10‐12 ml/min). The animals were randomly assigned to the following groups: i) perfusion (no ischemia) for 55 min (C‐55 group), ii) ischemia (I group) for 25 min, iii) ischemia in the presence of sanglifehrin A (SfA), an inhibitor of the permeability transition pore (IS), iv) perfusion (no ischemia) for 95 min (C‐95), v) ischemia for 25‐min followed by 40‐min reperfusion (IR group), and vi) IR in the presence of SfA (IRS). SfA (0.5 µM) was present 10 min before ischemia (IS group) and throughout the entire period of reperfusion (IRS group). LDH activity was determined in the coronary effluent as a marker of cell death. At the end of reperfusion, mitochondria were isolated from the hearts by differential centrifugation for analysis of oxygen consumption rates, mitochondrial swelling, and protein levels of long and short forms of OPA1, and MICOS proteins. Our results show that ischemia diminished post‐ischemic recovery of the hearts as evidenced by impaired cardiac contractility, increased LDH activity in the coronary effluent, and reduced mitochondrial respiration. Ischemia alone and IR differently affected the expression of both, OPA1 and mitofilin (Mic‐60, a core MICOS protein) as well as other MICOS components. In conclusion, our data suggest that OPA1 and MICOS proteins are affected differently by ischemia alone and IR.

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