
IN his review of the work of the Rockefeller Foundation in 1940, the president, Dr. Raymond B. Fosdick, refers to the limitation of the Foundation's work through the extension of the War. Projects in Norway, Belgium, Holland, Denmark, France and Rumania could no longer be assisted, but in spite of this interference, 23 per cent of the Rockefeller Foundation appropriations of 9,854,497 dollars during the year were spent abroadin forty-four countries in Europe, Asia, Africa and the Americas in six major fields-public health, natural sciences, social sciences, medical sciences, humanities and rural reconstruction in China. Early in July 1940, a Health Commission to Europe was organized, and Dr. Willow A. Sawyer, director of the International Health Division, made two extended tripsto Europe, visiting France, England, Spain and Portugal. A. bacteriologist-epidemiologist has been sent to England at the request of the Ministry of Health to study the influenza problem, and plans are under way to send one or more experts in nutrition and a specialist in typhus fever toSpain, and a bacteriologist-epidemiologist to France. Restrictions of communications between Europe and America have severely limited the development of this programme, but Dr. Fosdick refers to work in the Foundation's laboratories under Dr. F. L. Horsfall on the development of a satisfactory anti-influenza vaccine. It is hoped that by the winter of 1941-42an experimental vaccine will be available which can be applied to at least three different types of the influenza disease.

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