
The right to work is a fundamental human right which is a challenge for every country to accomplish achieve. Importance of guaranteeing the right to work in a constitution of a country does not come into question. Constitutional guarantee of the right to work does not imply the obligation for a country to provide employment for its every citizen, but rather to increase country's activities in order to make the conditions for achieving the right to work, that is, to conduct the policy of full employment. The Constitution of the Republic of Serbia, passed in 2006, continues to guarantee the right to work, which was firstly guaranteed by the Constitutional Law of 1953. Considering the achieved level of recognized human rights, principles and values, the Constitution of the Republic of Serbia of2006 has guaranteed the right to work and other rights that essentially constitute the right to work from a wider perspective, such as the right to limited working hours, safe and healthy working conditions, the right to daily, weekly interval for rest and a paid annual holiday, the right to a fair remuneration for work done and a legal protection in case of termination of working relations. The main characteristics of guaranteed right to work are the right to choose one's occupation freely and the equal opportunity for gaining employment under equal conditions.



  • Устав­но јем­че­ње пра­ва на рад да­нас не зна­чи оба­ве­зу др­жа­ве да сва­ком гра­ђа­ни­ну обез­бе­ди за­по­сле­ње, не­го ве­ ћу ан­га­жо­ва­ност др­жа­ве у по­гле­ду ства­ра­ња усло­ва за ње­го­во оства­ре­ње, од­но­сно во­ђе­ње по­ли­ти­ке пу­не за­по­сле­но­сти.

  • Го­ди­не је за­јем­чио пра­во на рад и пра­ва ко­ја су­штин­ски гле­да­но чи­не пра­во на рад у ши­рем сми­слу, као што су пра­во на огра­ни­че­но радн­ о вре­ме, без­бед­ не и здра­ве усло­ве ра­да, пра­во на днев­ни, не­дељ­ни и пла­ће­ни го­ди­шњи од­мор, пра­во на пра­вич­ну на­кна­ду за рад и прав­ну за­шти­ту за слу­чај не­за­по­сле­но­ сти.

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ПРА­ВО НА РАД У УСТА­ВУ РЕ­ПУ­БЛИ­КЕ СР­БИ­ЈЕ Устав­но јем­че­ње пра­ва на рад да­нас не зна­чи оба­ве­зу др­жа­ве да сва­ком гра­ђа­ни­ну обез­бе­ди за­по­сле­ње, не­го ве­ ћу ан­га­жо­ва­ност др­жа­ве у по­гле­ду ства­ра­ња усло­ва за ње­го­во оства­ре­ње, од­но­сно во­ђе­ње по­ли­ти­ке пу­не за­по­сле­но­сти.

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