
Have you ever wondered why a lot of students cannot continue mathematics when taught? Have you ever wondered why students get so frustrated when doing math? As we all know, this field is very detailed to the point where if you are not careful any problem can have flaws. Could a person who lacks detail-orientation learn the discipline of mathematics? How does a person keep this area? There could be a lot of factors that play into the failure of retention in this area. Is there some mental block from learning science? Is there a learning disability in some students? Is the field of mathematics not their forte’? Are students intimidated by this field? There is a statement that students use all of the time which is, and I quote, “Mathematics is another language to me,” “Mathematics is scary looking”, and “I do not like mathematics because I do not understand it.” Could it be that some professors are not teaching students correctly? Would it be that students are paying for what they have not paid attention to in grade school? How does a professor get a student who is not interested in math to become interested enough at least to learn the basics? I consider this field of infinite applications and must know where it applies in various areas. It seems that the mathematics is the branch of knowledge that a lot of students do not seem to grasp like the other fields. Why is this the case? As we discuss this matter in the article, we shall see what could be the reasons behind this hindrance.

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