
“The Responsibility of Music Education to Music” was the sutbject of a much discussed address given by William Schuman at the 1956 St. Louis convention of the MENC. The address was printed in the Music Educators Journal; subsequently articles written by Theodore Normann and Parker LaBach extended the discussion.* Numerous letters and comments discussing one, two or all three of the articles have been received. Much as the Journal would like to give space to all, in the judgment of the Editorial Board, Miss Boyle's contribition merits place as the fourth voice in the sym, posium. Miss Boyle is Director of Mu, sic and conductor of the High School Synmphony Orchestra in the Pulblic Schools of Hempstead (Long Island), Nez York…. After the discussion of ‘The Responsibility of Music Education to Music’ by William Schuman in the June-July 1956 issue of MENC Journal,” wrote Miss Boyle, “I am impelled to project some conclusions relative to the responsibility of school music to music from the viewpoint of the elementary and secondary school levels of the public schools in our country.” The article, although accepted by the Editorial Board some time ago-prior to her recently announced appointment as a member of the Board, by the way-had to be held for this issue because of space limitations imposed by previously scheduled material. Mr. Normann's was of Music to Education,” article, “The Responsibility published in the September-October 1956, MEJ. Mr. LaBach's article, “Why We Are Criticized: A Music Educator's Analysis,” appeared in the NovemberDecember 1956 issue.

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