
오늘날 우리는 다양한 국가 출신의 이주민들과 함께 살아간다. 이러한 이주의 흐름에서 문제되는 현상이 바로 “(초국가적) 인신매매”(human trafficking 혹은 trafficking in persons)이다. 이주여성은 범죄에 취약한데, 국경을 넘는 조직범죄의 하나로, 인신매매의 피해자가 되곤 한다. 이러한 인신매매의 문제가 국경 내에서 해결하기 어려운 국제사회 협력이 필요한 문제가 되었다. 유엔은 인신매매에 대한 최초의 합의로, 2000년 초국가적 조직범죄를 방지하기 위한 ‘초국가적 조직범죄에 대응하는 유엔 협약’(United nations convention against transnational organized crime)의 부속서로 ‘인신매매, 특히 여성과 아동의 인신매매 방지, 억제 및 처벌을 위한 의정서’(Protocol to prevent, suppress and punish trafficking in persons, especially women and children, 2000)를 채택하였다. 인신매매방지의정서는 인신매매 방지의정서 수준으로 모든 회원국의 국내법 개정을 요구하여, 이에 부응하여 2013년 형법상 인신매매죄가 개정된 바 있다. 본고에서는 근래 한국 사회에서 쟁점이 된 이주민 대상 인신매매의 문제를 성적 착취 목적 인신매매로 한정하여 살펴보았다. 여성에 대한 인신매매의 큰 비중을 차지하는 ‘성적 착취’ 목적 인신매매에 대한 인식과 적절한 대응이 필요하다고 보고 피해자 보호 방안을 정책적인 방안과 법률적인 방안으로 나누어 서술하였다.In the era of migration, migrants from various countries live together in Korean society. In the past, the factors behind the influx of migrants have often been attributed to Korean society s labor force and lack of spouses. Nowadays the spread of Korean culture, so-called Hallyu have led the loyalty towards Korea, which is also a factor promoting the influx of migrants. Actually, a growing number of foreigners are visiting Korea because of its good culture. You can meet foreigners even if you go to small cities as well as Seoul. It is not strange anymore to them to move to Korea, settle down and start a living. But there s a new problem that is emerging in the era of migration, which is human trafficking or trafficking in person. Under the feminization of migration, one of the organized crimes beyond the borders has led to the problem of human trafficking. For this reason, an international agreement has been sought to prevent transnational organized crime and human trafficking, UN adopted Protocol to prevent, suppress and punish trafficking in persons, especially women and children in 2000 as an annex of United nations convention against transnational organized crime. In this paper, I described the issue of human trafficking for sexual exploitation and the protection of migrant victims, which has become an issue in Korean society. Human trafficking is a serious crime that violates human dignity. This paper examined the influx of Korean immigrants and proposed measures to respond to the current law on human trafficking for sexual exploitation and to protect victims. As a political measure, I proposed to prepare criteria for identifying victims of human trafficking, to provide opportunities for victims and their families to stay and work in Korea, to prepare criteria for returning and settling victims, and to educate and promote the prevention of human trafficking. Legal measures were also proposed to revise the current Act on the punishment of arrangement of commercial sex acts. etc. I proposed to revise the concept of human trafficking for sex trafficking purposes and introduce special provisions for victims of trafficking for sexual exploitation.

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