
At May 23-26, 2019 in the Voronezh city, in the Burdenko Voronezh State Medical University was held the Eighth national Meeting of the Scientific Medical Society of Anatomists, Histologists and Embryologists of Russia. The VIII Meeting was attended by 500 people from 43 cities of the Russian Federation, as well as from 11 countries of the near and far abroad: Azerbaijan, Belarus, Brazil, Germany, Georgia, Italy, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Chile and others. At sessions of Meeting 185 oral reports were heard, 75 posters were considered. The organizing committee of the Meeting received over 900 theses of scientific reports, reflecting the results of morphological studies of the participants of the Meeting over the past five years. At the first plenary meeting, 6 scientific reports were presented on a number of key issues and achievements of morphological sciences. At the end of the plenary session, the SMSAHE organizational assembly took place; a general report on the activities of SMSAHE regional offices for the period from 2014 to 2019 was presented to participants and guests. At the recommendation of the SMSAHE Presidium, the participants of the VIII Meeting of SMSAHE by the open voting selected the President of SMSAHE, the Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor Dimitry Nikityuk, and on his proposal, approved the Members of the Presidium and the SMSAHE Board for the next five-year period of work (2020-2024). May 24, 2019 in the auditoriums and assembly halls of the Medical University and Agrarian University successfully held sectional meetings on various topics. In the section «Experimental morphology, ecological and regenerative medicine» 27 reports were presented; in the section «Clinical, variant and age morphology» - 26 scientific reports. The section «Cell biology, cytology and histology» consisted of 23 reports. At the meeting of the section «The Morphology of the blood-forming organs, the immune and endocrine systems» 14 reports were presented. The program of the section «The Veterinary morphology» included 20 reports; 23 scientific reports were presented at the section «Functional morphology of the nervous system»; the section «Medical anthropology and sports morphology» was presented in 14 reports. On May 25, 2019, a session of the section «Actual problems of teaching morphological disciplines» was held, at which 14 reports were presented on various aspects of modern educational technologies and their implementation in the teaching of anatomy, histology and other sciences. Within the framework of the VIII Meeting of SMSAHE, a scientific symposium «Anthropo-nutriciology: Fundamental Principles and Practical Applications» was held, during which 16 reports were heard. Summing up the results of the VIII Meeting of SMSAHE, many speakers noted its unconditional success and high scientific potential. The role of this scientific forum is in shaping the new impulse to the development of morphological sciences, its importance as an international discussion platform, which provided all possibilities for exchanging views on topical issues of morphology teaching, contributing to the development and implementation of new educational technologies, the translating the achievements of morphology into the modern practical of the health care.

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