
Today, data analysis drives the decision-making process in virtually every human activity. This demands for software platforms that offer simple programming abstractions to express data analysis tasks and that can execute them in an efficient and scalable way. State-of-the-art solutions range from low-level programming primitives, which give control to the developer about communication and resource usage, but require significant effort to develop and optimize new algorithms, to high-level platforms that hide most of the complexities of parallel and distributed processing, but often at the cost of reduced efficiency.To reconcile these requirements, we developed Renoir, a novel distributed data processing platform written in Rust. Renoir provides a high-level dataflow programming model as mainstream data processing systems. It supports static and streaming data, it enables data transformations, grouping, aggregation, iterative computations, and time-based analytics, and it provides all these features incurring in a low overhead.In this paper, we present the programming model and the implementation details of Renoir. We evaluate it under heterogeneous workloads. We compare it with state-of-the-art solutions for data analysis and high-performance computing, as well as alternative research products, which offer different programming abstractions and implementation strategies. Renoir programs are compact and easy to write: developers need not care about low-level concerns such as resource usage, data serialization, concurrency control, and communication. At the same time, Renoir consistently presents comparable or better performance than competing solutions, by a large margin in several scenarios.We conclude that Renoir offers a good tradeoff between simplicity and performance, allowing developers to easily express complex data analysis tasks and achieve high performance and scalability.

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