
The studies on marketing suggest the need to attract, satisfy and create a lasting relationship with new targets. In Tourism has emerged the importance to create new business, those Abell defines ASA (Affaire Strategic Area) [1]. The science computer and digital marketing literature provides valuable tools for achieving identified objectives. The research aims at analyzing the role of IT, in particular, of meta-search engine as a tool of the web suitable for increasing accessibility to Tourism for consumers with special needs. In this context, the e-retailer plays a key role and he can affect the scenery of tourist market. The aim of this paper is the proposal of a framework based on the strategic role of etools through two model, that are proposed to IDCTA2012 Conference. The purpose is to outline some theoretical basis concerning the target tourists with special needs to better characterize the accessible tourism market that currently cannot be considered as a niche market, but as a market able to increase the profitability of tourism. In this scenario, the e-retailers play a strategic role and They can affect the scenery of tourist market. The aim of this work is the proposal of a framework based on the tactical role of e-tools. The research and the models achieved through them and proposed highlight the need of a strategic role of e-tools, as the meta search engine, in the distribution in older to reach and to attract “new” ASA. Finally, there is an important passage and transformation of tourist’s concept: from tourist to “e-agile tourist”. The methodology is based on four steps: 1. short analysis of literature on the principal topics: distribution of Tourism, definition of Tourist and Digital content in the Tourism Distribution; 2. analysis of strategic role of meta-search engine with reference to a “eagile tourist”; 3. Elaboration and proposition of conceptual models “e-agility’ matrix” and “circle of e-relationship”, considering a brief case study analyzed through the method of field analysis.

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