
This study aims to get answers to the question whether there is a relationship between group counselling services with changes in social behavior of students in SMP Negeri 49 Jakarta. This study uses a quantitative research method by using a modified Likert model which is a scale used to measure the attitudes, opinions, perceptions of a person or group of people about social phenomena. Answers from respondents that are quantitative where answers are given a score using a Likert scale. The results of this study are a regression test of Ŷ = 26.584 + 0.684X meaning that if the provision of group counselling services is improved, then changes in social behavior will also increase or grow. The determination of the variance was 0.442 or 44.2% and the significance test was 0.000 <0.05 so that it was stated that Ho was rejected and Ha was accepted. This means that the relationship between group counselling services and changes in social behavior is very significant. Keywords : Group Counseling Services, Social Behavior Change, Students

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