
Ahmet Hamdi Tanpinar (1901-1961) is one of the most widely studied researchersamong Turkish writers in modern literary. The works of Ahmet Hamdi Tanpinar are beingstudied within the framework of science branches such as psychology, sociology,philosophy, especially literature.Tanpinar has studied the works of leading psychologists such as S. Freud and C. Jungon human and self. In Tanpınar’s creativity, everything is shaped around a human being.Components such as life, death, love, time and setting come to life with the humancompound.This is the reason that Tanpinar is constantly right after every conscious person. As for aconscious person, he needs another to become aware of his own self. Tanpinar impliesto readers the repressed conscious side of the Mumtaz character with the help of Suatcharacter in the novel “Huzur”. The characters given as these two opposing poles in thenovel are actually regarded as outpouring ideas stemming from suppressed sides ofMumtaz’s consciousness.The purpose of the study is to reveal how the construction of a common identity evolvedas an outpouring of Mumtaz (I) and Suat (the other) characters in the novel “Huzur” ofAhmet Hamdi Tanpınar.

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