
The elemental concentration of sedimentary rocks depends on the varying reactivity of each element as it goes from the source through weathering, deposition, diagenesis, lithification, and even low rank metamorphism. However, non-reactive components of detrital particles ideally are characteristic of the original igneous source and thus are useful in provenance studies. To determine the source of detrital granitic and volcanic components of low-calcic (<1% CaCO3) marine black shales, the concentrations of apparently non-reactive (i.e. unaffected by diagenetic, redox and/or low-rank metamorphic processes) trace elements were examined using standard trace element discrimination diagrams developed for igneous rocks. The chemical data was obtained by neutron activation analyses of about 200 stratigraphically well-documented black shale samples from the Cambrian through the Jurassic. A La-Th-Sc ternary diagram distinguishes among contributions from the upper and bulk continental crust and the oceanic crust (Taylor and McLennan 1985). All the low-calcic black shales cluster within the region of the upper crust. Th-Hf-Co ternary diagrams also are commonly used to distinguish among the upper and bulk continental crust and the oceanic crust (Taylor and McLennan 1985). As Co is redox sensitive in black shale environments, it was necessary to substitute an immobile element (i.e. example Rb) in the diagram. With this substitution of black shales all cluster in the region of the upper continental crust. To determine the provenance of the granitic component (Pearce et al. 1984), plots of Ta vs Yb and Rb vs Yb + Ta shows a cluster at the junction of the boundaries separating the volcanic arc granite (VAG), syn-collision granite (syn-COLG), and within-plate granite (WPG) fields. The majority fall within the VAG field. There are no occurrences of ocean ridge granite (ORG). The minimal contribution of basalts to marine black shales is confirmed by the ternary Wood diagram Th-Hf/3-Ta (Wood et al. 1979). The black shales plot in a cluster in a high Th region outside the various basalt fields, which suggests contribution from the continental crust.

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