
The Prophetic Sunnah attached importance to what Allah has endowed the human body with in terms of mental energy with which a person thinks and plans, and physical energy with which he builds and invests. Moreover, it was keen on marshaling intellectual and physical capacities without forfeiting one or neglecting the other, thereby balancing between them. Actually, it called for harnessing both, whereby thought and the body are among the components of the structure of civilization and where both function in their domains of creativity and ability to contribute. This aspect which the present study tackles through elucidation and exposition identifies texts of the Prophetic Sunnah to highlight the substantial role of the Prophetic Sunnah in building human civilization and its care for the human elements in terms of the intellectual and physical dimensions, Moreover, the study brings into focus the civilizational aspect in the Prophetic Sunnah which states the role of Islam in building the earth by harnessing the resources and wealth which Allah endowed it with, both apparent and hidden, as one of the components of the structure of human civilization through the following axes: First axis : The civilizational components in the investment of human, intellectual and physical resources in the Prophetic Sunnah. First : Civilizational components in the investment of human intellectual resources in the Prophetic Sunnah. Second : Civilizational components in the investment of human physical resources in the Prophetic Sunnah. Second axis : Civilizational components in the investment of natural resources in the Prophetic Sunnah. DOI: 10.7176/EJBM/12-5-05 Publication date: February 29 th 2020


  • All praise to Allah the Lord of the Exalted Throne, the Creator of the seven heavens and the earth, who enhanced the standing of the Ulama, and rendered them to be among his close servants, and peace and blessings on the master of the Prophets and the imam of the friends of Allah, the teacher of the Ulama; In reality, Islamic legislation produced an advanced human civilization which surpassed all previous and subsequent civilizations, which is principally anchored in the Holy Quran and the Sunnah which are the pivot of this civilization, the emblem of its existence and the foundation of its renaissance, and which contain the elements of its survival and continuity

  • Among the signs of the sophistication and advancement of Islamic Civilization was its focus on the human individual as the fundamental component of creation without there being a difference between the Muslim and non-Muslim, and with the same human origins

  • Among the manifestations of the civilizational advancement of Islam is that it embraces all the facets and domains of human life, for there is a human civilization insofar as the creedal aspects which regulate and govern the relationship of the individual with His Creator whose pillars and foundations are palpable based on the elucidation of the reality of the creation of Man: from whence did he come? What is the purpose of his existence? What is his future after death? people have been at a loss in their search for the reality and nature of Man, where they have at times conceptualized him as a creature of animal origins, or a creature who emerged from nothingness, or a coincidental being produced by coincidence or randomness

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On the meaning of human resources Human resources is a modern coinage which the ancestors did not know, and it is a term that is in circulation in economics and modern management science, and it is widely in circulation in financial institutions such as banks, factories and companies upon discussing the size of human numbers and the staff members working in an institution in terms of their numbers, the size of production and estimation of the manpower, where this term has Akhbar Makkah Wa Ma Jaa Fiha Min Al-Athar,, edited by Rushdi Al-Saleh Malhas, Dar Al-Andalus Publishing House, vol.[2], p.121. 1 Athariat: 56. 2 Hood: 61. It calls for exploiting the land which Allah has made to be a source of living for the human and a reason for his livelihood, while showing the optimal path making him invest this element and exploit it, whereby it yields the greatest bounties possible, and produces the optimal amount of food, and this is why it began by edifying and educating the individual, and alerted the human to the bounties in the Universe, and that the earth is the principal component of nature which Allah subjected to him, whilst commanding him to strive and eat of its bounties According to this understanding, in the Islamic vision there is no scarcity in natural resources, but rather the dysfunction arising from misuse of natural resources which is the direct cause of the occurrence of the economic problem, and scarcity is a social phenomenon which is contingent on the behavior of persons and the methods of managing wealth in society, and the method of benefiting from resources and sources of production, which are the product of sharp gaps in the control of production and food resources, which prevents utilization of those resources in a just manner that fulfills of the needs of the members of society irrespective of their categories and segments.[1]. Al-Muwatta, edited by Muhammad Mustafa Al-Adhami, Zayed Bin Sultan Al-Nahyan Foundation for Charitable and Humanitarian Works- Abu Dhabi- Emirates, 1st ed., 2004. - Mundhir Qahf, Islamic Waqf, its Evolution, Management and Development. - Muslim, Abu Al-Hassan Al-Qushayri Al-Naysapouri, d. 261H., Al-Jami Al-Sahih, edited by Muhammad Fuad Abdel Baqi, Dar Ihyaa Al-Turath Al-Arabi-Beirut

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