
AbstractFor the 2 years 1977 and 1978 Masham ewes grazed a perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne cv. S24) pasture from the beginning of April until the end of September each year. Twelve ewes were allocated to each of the three stocking rate treatments, 12 (L), 16 (M) and 20 (H) ewes per ha. Each treatment was rotationally grazed around six paddocks with a forward creep for the lambs. Conservation cuts were taken from each treatment in late May and were generally sufficient to cover a 3‐month winter feeding period for treatments L and M but were always insufficient for treatment H. Lambing took place at pasture during the second half of May. No concentrates were fed to the ewes during late pregnancy or lactation but lamb birth weights (4–8 kg) and lamb growth rates over the first 4 weeks (240 g d−l) were satisfactory. Organic matter intakes (OMI)of grass by the pregnant ewes(1816,1844 g OMI ewe−1) were not affected by the stocking rate. Intake of grass by the lactating ewes was affected by year and by stocking rate. The overall growth rate of lambs was higher on treatment L than either M or H but decreased on all treatments during the latter half of the grazing season, resulting in 43% of L and only 3% of M and H lambs being fit for slaughter by the end of September. The main features of this time of lambing are low costs and the production of predominantly store lambs.

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