
Finally, I should like to clarify the meaning of a stationary oxygen medium. Let us specifically consider the granitization process: (i) One cubic centimeter of the educt has approximately the same number of oxygen ions as i cubic centimeter of the product. (2) The metasomatic process has taken place volume by volume. (The volume law may be questioned, but from many places of the world it has been shown to hold, and from nowhere do we find decisive evidence to the contrary.) Consequently, we need not in our calculations consider any migration of oxygen; therefore, we may say that oxygen is stationary. But if, for a brief moment, we look into the actual mechanism, the picture becomes different. Thermodynamic equilibrium at a phase boundary does not mean a state of no motion, it means that an equal number of atoms or molecules migrate both ways, the net result of the transport being zero. Oxygen ions may move about in the rocks, but, following no preferred direction, they move

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