
ABSTRACTIn this paper, we identified recently subsiding areas in Jharia Coalfield, Jharkhand, India from the shorter temporal baseline Radarsat-2 C-band interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR) data pairs of 2012. Although shorter wavelength C-band differential InSAR (DInSAR) is more sensitive to slow deformation and better suited for higher precision land subsidence measurement, the dynamic and adverse land cover in mining areas and resulting temporal decorrelation problem poses a serious problem for DInSAR observation in mining areas. We used smaller temporal baseline data pairs and adopted InSAR coherence-guided incremental filtering with smaller moving windows to highlight the deformation fringes over temporal decorrelation noise. We identified the deformation fringes and validated them based on ground information to prepare the land subsidence map of the coalfield in 2012. Several new, previously unreported subsidence areas were detected in the present study with a total subsiding area of 6.9 km2. The recent incidence of roof collapse on 15 November 2014 at Angar Patra village in Katras region of the coalfield where 45 houses collapsed and 10 people were injured is situated in a highly subsiding vulnerable area as obtained from the present study. Due to spatial discontinuities of InSAR coherence, DInSAR phase unwrapping for the entire study area in one go did not appear feasible. To avoid this problem, we performed DInSAR processing in smaller spatial subsets and unwrapping of the subset interferograms by a ‘minimum cost flow’ algorithm. Subsequently, we plotted unwrapped phase profiles across the deformation fringes and retrieved the maximum deformation phase with respect to background phase and translated them into radar line of sight (LOS) displacement rates. For obtaining the average subsidence rates, we adopted InSAR coherence-weighted LOS displacement rates taking into account the contribution of each data pair as a function of DInSAR phase quality of the fringe areas. Ground-based subsidence measurements by precision levelling were conducted in four test sites that had been undergoing active underground mining during the observation period. We compared space-borne DInSAR-based subsidence rates obtained by the adopted technique with precision levelling measurements. Overall, the results are found to agree well. In the four test sites with gentle to flat topography, land subsidence occurs at slow to moderate rates due to compression of in-filled material (resulting from sand stowing in underground mining), without any evidence of roof collapse. In such cases, the horizontal displacement component is less significant, and overall surface displacement occurs essentially in the vertical direction. However, we assessed the nature of subtle horizontal strain to infer relative shrinkage or dilation of the land surface which could be additive or subtractive to vertical displacement in DInSAR-based LOS displacement.

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