
Whether radioactive iodine treatment of Graves' disease (GD) during pregnancy will increase pregnancy loss and affect fetal development is still a matter of concern. From May 2005 to December 2015, 2,276 childbearing-age women with GD received iodine-131 treatment in our departments and were retrospectively enrolled in our study. When some of them were found to have been pregnant, their thyroid functions were measured every 4 weeks, in addition, thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) was measured 6 weeks after delivery. When necessary, levothyroxine or propylthiouracil (PTU) was given in order to control their TSH levels during pregnancy. Finally, 69 pregnant women (29 ± 3.5 years old) and 1346 women who were not pregnant during the follow-up period were enrolled into this study. They were all hyperthyroid before or during pregnancy. Among 69 pregnant women, the administrated amount of iodine-131 was 254.9 ± 99.9 MBq. Fifty patients became subclinically hypothyroid after treatment and were administrated levothyroxine (55 ± 25 μg/d). Seven patients were diagnosed with subclinical hyperthyroidism during pregnancy and they received PTU (25 ± 12.5 mg/d). Twelve patients with normal thyroid function were also clinically followed. Among 69 women, 63 had a single birth, 3 had dizygotic twins, 2 had two pregnancies and 1 had a single twin birth. Sixty five babies were born full-term, while 9 were premature (4 ± 1 weeks early) with birth weight 3.2 ± 0.5 kg. Six new born babies were considered to be low birth weight infants (< 2.5 kg) while 5 were high birth weight (> 4 kg), but the weights of all the infants were within the normal range. During the period of observation to December 2015, all the infants were found to grow and develop normally. Among 1346 women who were not pregnant were in the further follow-up. Our study found no detrimental effects of the iodine-131 treatment in the pregnant women or their offspring so far.

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