
During the patient interview, signs of compression or invasion are sought out: dyspnea, dysphagia, dysphonia. The circumstances of discovery of the thyroid pathology are indicated. The surgeon must be closely acquainted with the EU-TIRADS and Bethesda classifications so as to be able to evaluate and explain to the patient the risk of malignancy. He must also be able to interpret a cervical ultrasound in view of proposing a procedure adapted to the pathology. Cervicothoracic CT-scan (or MRI) must be prescribed in the event of suspected plunging nodule or clinical/echography signs: non-palpable lower pole of the thyroid behind the clavicle, dyspnea, dysphagia, collateral circulation. The surgeon goes on to investigate possible relationships with adjacent organs, to evaluate extension toward the aortic arch and the positions (anterior, posterior or mixed) of the goiter, the objective being to determine the most adapted approach: classical cervicotomy, manubriotomy or sternotomy. Even in the event of a tumoral pathology, PET-FDG is not one of the imagery exams carried out systematically. Only in case of TSH<0.5μU/mL should thyroid scintigraphy be proposed. Prior to any thyroid surgery, serum TSH levels, calcitoninemia and calcemia must be measured.

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