
Civilization today demands the modern hospital and compels the development of hospital facilities that will keep it abreast with the advancement in modern medicine. Our present hospitals have grown from the simple and humble “boarding house” for the sick, to a vast system where there is assembled not only scientific equipment, devices and methods for performing the practices required by scientific medicine, but a group of professionally trained personnel to conduct the services and perform the tasks which are essential to the proper handling of diagnostic and therapeutic measures according to the best scientific principles. The modern hospital has become the place of first resort in time of illness and disease and the community must possess this vital facility with service for all classes regardless of the patient’s ability to pay. Increasing interest in hospital care is a community responsibility which is most gratifying and the modern hospital is commanding greater recognition as one of the indispensable elements in the program of public welfare. The demands made upon the modern hospital by scientific medicine are highly varied and enormous. Let us ponder for the moment the requirements of the modern hospital including the elaborate and expensive laboratory equipment, x-ray apparatus, operating equipment, with all of the latest devices used in this area, including anesthesia apparatus; the special diet kitchens with equipment to bring everything necessary to the bedside of the patient; the engineering plant, laundry and many other features essential to the complete care of the patient. Few people have an idea of the number of personnel required to staff the modern hospital. Physicians, pathologists, roentgenologists, technicians, highly trained nurses, Interns, expert dietitians, student nurses, kitchen workers, engineers, social service workers, record librarians, office workers, maids, orderlies, housekeepers, executives and many others. The gathering of this large number of highly trained and professional personnel to concentrate on the care of patients in the modern hospital gives recognition to the fact that the facilities available are broad In scope and should be conducted in a coordinated man-

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