
Possible antimutagenic actions of probiotics - mainly lactic acid bacteria - were examined using in vitro and in vivo test systems. In the Ames test with Salmonella typhimurium TA1538 beef extract and nitrosated beef extract were used as mutagens. L. casei showed high antimutagenic activity on mutagenicity induced by nitrosated beef extract only without S9 mix, whereas Omniflora (a lyophilized preparation of lactobacilli and E. coli and its cellfree culture broth exhibited antimutagenic action only on beef extract. The actions of probiotics were more homogeneous when living animais were used in the tests. Using busulfan as a mutagen both the chromosome aberration test (with Chinese hamster bone marrow cells) and the micronucleus test (with bone marrow cells of Chinese hamsters and mice) showed strong anticlastogenic action when L. casei, Omniflora or yoghurt (with living bifiobacteria) were given orally at the same time as the mutagen. Lactobacilli were effective also after i.p. injection. Cell-free culture broths had no or only weak antimutagenic effects. Mutagen-induced chromosome aberrations and micronuclei were reduced by up to 80% by the lactobacilli.

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