
INSURANTCE is the modern man's solution of the problem of how to avoid being wiped out prematurely by one of the hazards of life, instead of opposing them with no more than his individual strength and resources. The first important point I wish to make is the close connection between financial aid for the average bread winner when disabled, and the time required for his recovery. It is very obvious that privation and worry due thereto delay recovery in cases lasting only a few weeks; but there must be added to that the other risk of premature return to work under the lash of necessity, resulting from lack of aid from a sick benefit association. It is not alone the loss of income, but frequently the special expense of treatment of the disease or the non-industrial accident causing disability which makes the situation acute. Some physicians charge as low as $1.50 for attention to an ordinary case in their own offices, but this varies up to $3.00, and visits to the patient's home cost from $3.00 to $5.00 each. The cost of nursing service, beyond that available in the ordinary family, is prohibitive to all but those in the wealthy class; so that cases of pneumonia and similar diseases among wage earners are almost invariably removed to a hospital where adequate care can be obtained free or at a smaller cost. Aside from the aid to recovery, the effect of employes' mutual benefit associations upon the health of their members is strongly preventive of avoidable disablement. That is the second big point. This is brought about by sheer necessity, because in the scheme of dues and benefits the association must plan as closely as possible. The formeinust be low enough and the latter liberal enough to attract healthy members and keep them. Hence, a very careful and alive

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