
The article analyses level and dynamics of morbidity of diseases of ear and mastoid in the Sakha Republic (Yakutia) in 2020-2021 and availability of otorhinolaryngological care. The methods of comparative statistics and mathematical analysis were applied to analyze official data provided by the Yakut Republic Medical Information and Analytical Center, the specialized Department of Otorhinolaryngology, the Republic Hospital № 2 - Center for Emergency Medical Care and the Federal State Statistics Service of Russia. The study established increasing trend of increasing morbidity of these diseases in both the adult and child population. In 2021, the growth rate of overall morbidity of adult population reached 17.7% and 8.8% in children, as compared to 2020. The primary morbidity of adults made up to 22.3%, in children - 15.7%. The comparative analysis demonstrated higher rates of general morbidity in the Republic: by 0.5% as compared with the Russian Federation and by 14.1% as compared with the Far Eastern Federal Okrug. The level of primary morbidity was lower than similar indicators of the compared territories by 17.1% and 3.0%, respectively. It is worth noting that analyzed morbidity of diseases of ear and mastoid reflects prevalence of ENT diseases in the region only indirectly, as the statistical data do not allow to estimate separately rate of upper respiratory tract lesions. Meanwhile, respiratory diseases rank first in the structure of population diseases in Yakutia. The growth of disability in children due to diseases of ear and mastoid requires attention. Among children of 0-17 years old, the indicator of primary disability increased from 0.38 to 0.8 per 10,000 of children population (increase of 110.5%); in children 0-3 years old - from 0.9 to 2.3 per 10,000 of the child population (an increase of 155.6%). The analysis of the number of beds in otorhinolaryngology wards established that that the bed capacity per 10,000 population was 0.6 that is significantly lower than the established standards. The article emphasizes need to adjust the Federal standards for hospital bed capacity, taking into account climatic and geographical conditions of the region, which contribute to spread and chronization of ENT diseases.

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