
Differentiated integration (DI) is of very low salience in Sweden, and the rare discussions on DI that took place focused on instances of DI rather than on models or mechanisms. As regards the models of DI, Sweden had a negative view of multi-speed, which was seen as detrimental to cohesion within the Union. Multi-end Europe was instead perceived as a useful way to include different countries. Enhanced co-operation, in which some countries pursue a deeper cooperation, was therefore acceptable and Sweden had no problems when others engaged in enhanced co-operation on initiatives that Sweden was critical of. It was also pleased when initiatives that Sweden favoured and which could not find the acceptance of all, could be pursued as enhanced co-operation. It was, however, critical against using opt-outs in areas seen as crucial, like climate, the environment and migration. Without explicitly mentioning the euro as a case of enhanced co-operation this was how Sweden dealt with it. Neither Sweden nor the EU have acted to bring about a formal opt-out. The two EU-critical parties, the Left Party and the Sweden Democrats, have, however, argued for this, most probably because of a wish to make non-membership of the euro permanent. While recognising the right of deeper co-operation among eurozone countries, Sweden saw it as crucial not to create wider political rifts in Europe. With only a few exceptions, such as the euro, all political parties have agreed on the issues under discussion within the context of DI.


  • This report investigates the salience of differentiated integration (DI) in Swedish government discourse between 2004 and 2020

  • The four government programmes made no general references to Differentiated integration (DI) and mentioned only a few key words associated with DI

  • Without explicitly labelling euro membership as a form of enhanced co-operation, that is how Swedish governments have dealt with the issue, often referring to the fact that not all countries participate in all forms of co-operation

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Differentiated integration (DI) is of very low salience in Sweden. The four government programmes made no general references to DI and mentioned only a few key words associated with DI. Among the parliamentary debates connected to the government programmes, only one (January 2019) included a debate on deepening integration. The Future of Europe initiative led to some, albeit limited, interest in DI – at least it meant that in the context of the Future of Europe discussions key words were mentioned in a broader context rather than a more specific one. When putting the key words in context it became apparent that they did not always relate to differentiated integration. Core Europe references primarily related to a Swedish ambition to have a leading position in order to deepen policy for the whole EU in certain areas. The discussions on particular instances were connected to the concept of enhanced co-operation, such as when discussing Rome III and the Unitary Patent

Theory and methodology
Swedish Governments and Political Parties 2004-2020
Government programmes
Parliamentary debates connected to government programmes
The Prime Minister and the Presidency
Parliamentary debates
What positions do Swedish governments have on DI?
Quantitative overview of government positions
Qualitative assessment of government positions
Government programmes 2004-2020
Full Text
Paper version not known

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