
In 1965, the U.S. Supreme Court struck down the Connecticut statute outlawing the use of birth control by married couples. Since then, 26 related cases have been heard by the court. Many of these directly involved teenagers. Frequently, the determinations involved parental consent or a parental notice requirement. New York State does not have parental consent nor notice requirements for minors seeking contraceptive or abortion services. The physician makes the professional judgment of the maturity of the person seeking care. All efforts to institute any form of parental consent in New York State have failed. The New York State Bar Association has supported this posture. A statewide network of family planning clinics exists throughout New York State. Yet, in spite of their combined efforts, and the activities of many other agencies and organizations, the rate of pregnancy among 15 to 19 year olds increased 20 percent between 1972 and 1980. There is a need for bold public action. Informed community leaders, health professionals, and leaders in the educational community must form a coalition to support the special initiatives which New York State's governor and New York City's mayor support. Black physicians have an unusual opportunity and a special responsibility to the youth of this city to provide leadership in their communities, and in their profession, in providing information about the risks and complications of teen pregnancies and teen parenting.

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