
Three species of Pleuranthodium were encountered and collected during a survey of gingers at Mount Wilhelm, Chimbu Province, Papua New Guinea. Based on new material, the only previously known Pleuranthodium from this area, P. piundaundense, is described in more detail highlighting new diagnostic characters and its known distribution range is expanded based on identification of older specimens at Edinburgh from two other provinces. Two species so far only known from Mount Wilhelm could not be identified after studying all protologues, types and material from several herbaria. These are here described as new species, P. corniculatum and P. sagittatum. A key with both floral and vegetative characters is provided to all three species. Pleuranthodium corniculatum is distinct in having apical appendages on the calyx, and P. sagittatum has a wrinkled calyx. All species are described and illustrated, and conservation assessments are made.


  • Pleuranthodium (K.Schum.) R.M.Sm. was published by Smith in 1991 and currently consists of 23 species (Zingiberaceae Resource Centre, ZRC 2020; Cámara-Leret et al 2020) restrict­ ed to the island of New Guinea, the Bismarck Archipelago, the Autonomous Region of Bougainville, the Solomon Islands and Australia

  • Distribution — Pleuranthodium piundaundense is endemic to Papua New Guinea and has mainly been recorded on the lower slopes of Mt Wilhelm, Chimbu Province, and at Mt Kerigomna (Eastern Highlands Province) and at Mt Hagen (Western Highlands Province)

  • 8 cm, to 15 cm long; free part of peduncle pendulous, round in cross-section, 4 – 8 cm long, pale yellow-green, minutely tomentose; peduncular bracts 3, cucullate, enclosing the young inflorescence, decreasing in size towards inflorescence, most distant bract to 14 cm long with small, laminoid appendage apically, proximate bracts short and caducous, all bracts red when young turning dark brown when old, glabrous; spike obpyriform, c

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Pleuranthodium (K.Schum.) R.M.Sm. was published by Smith in 1991 and currently consists of 23 species (Zingiberaceae Resource Centre, ZRC 2020; Cámara-Leret et al 2020) restrict­ ed to the island of New Guinea, the Bismarck Archipelago, the Autonomous Region of Bougainville, the Solomon Islands and Australia. Muanda 3019 (holo LAE; iso E), Papua New Guinea, Chimbu Province, slope of Mt Wilhelm, Wonn, montane forest, S5°48'48.2" E145°4'57.6", 2875 m, 18 Apr. 2016, flowering and fruiting.

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