
The documents preserve the social experience of the humanity and, thus, provide concentrated knowledge to the society and individuals, help to transfer experience to the future generations. The goal of the article is to analyze the documentation (research) as an interdisciplinary branch of science and study area, its place and role within the system of communication and informatikon sciences. The main attention should be focused on the influence of the archival research and its interaction with other branches. The documentation research is a basic discipline that helps to transfer a complex of general theoretical knowledge in educating the bachelors of information and communication science. Without regard to a chosen direction of studies, each student has to acquire knowledge about a document and documentary communication. They have to be able to understand different concepts of a document that are used abroad and our country. The definition and place of documentation research is an important issue discussed by the scientists. During the last 10–15 years it turned into a general university discipline taught in many departments of humanities and social sciences abroad. The quick spread and development of documentation research has instigated discussions about its place within the system of sciences. As an autonomous branch of science documentation research has a place among other branches within the system of communication and information sciences. It investigates the stucture, atributes, and functions of a document. The document becomes a general concept in communication and informatikon sciences. That allows us to treat documentation research as an interdisciplinary branch of science.


  • The definition and place of documentation research is an important issue discussed by the scientists

  • Nors daug dëmesio buvo skiriama naujø technologijø taikymui ir teoriniø problemø sprendimui, taèiau kartais keblumø kildavo dël naujø informaciniø technologijø intensyvios raidos ir jø naudojimo darbe

  • Tai leidþia á dokumentotyrà þvelgti kaip á integralià tarpðakinæ mokslinæ disciplinà, su kurios laimëjimais ir perspektyvomis verta susipaþindinti

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Bet kokia þmoniø veiklos sfera yra susijusi su dokumentais, informacija, kuri parodo ekonomikos, mokslo, kultûros ir socialinio-politinio gyvenimo lygá. Svarbiausias dokumentotyros siekis – analizuoti dokumento sampratà, struktûrà ir ávairovæ funkcijø, sudaranèiø dokumentinës komunikacijos pagrindà, taip pat pateikti informacijos fiksavimo bûdus, apdorojimo metodus, saugojimo galimybes ir naudojimo perspektyvas. Straipsnio tikslas – apibrëþti dokumentotyrà kaip tarpðakinæ integralià mokslinæ disciplinà ir apibûdinti jos vietà informacijos ir komunikacijos studijose. Pastaraisiais metais profesinëje spaudoje netyla mokslinës diskusijos, kuriose ávairiai aiðkinamos tokios problemos kaip dokumentotyros vieta mokslø sistemoje, ðios disciplinos sudëtis ir struktûros pokyèiai, jos objektas, dalykas, o kartais net atsiradimo prielaidos, skirtingai nustatomos tyrimø ribos ir kt. Dël ðiø ir kitø problemø dokumentotyra tapo atkakliø moksliniø diskusijø centru, kuris pastaraisiais metais persikëlë á Rusijos mokslinæ profesinæ spaudà, tokius leidinius kaip Íàó÷íàÿ òåõíè÷åñêàÿ èíôîðìàöèÿ, Íàó÷íûå è òåõíè÷åñêèå áèáëèîòåêè, Îòå÷åñòâåííûå àðõèâû ir kt. Apþvelgtas dokumentotyros kaip tarpðakinës mokymo disciplinos vaidmuo ir reikðmë komunikacijos ir informacijos studijoms

Dokumentotyra studijø procese
Dokumentotyros iðtakos
Ðiuolaikinio dokumentotyros raidos etapo savitumai
Dokumentotyros situacija Lietuvoje
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