
ABSTRACT Pressure recordings from the heart and major arteries of the alligator show that a conventional relationship exists between the left ventricle and the right aorta. Pressure gradients from ventricle to aorta during systole are very small. Right aortic blood flow rises rapidly to a single peak and then falls more gradually until aortic valve closure. The right ventricle is connected both to the pulmonary arteries and to the left aorta. Right ventricular pressures show that systole is a two-stage process. Initially, blood leaves to the low-resistance lung circuit, though appreciable pressure gradients exist across the pulmonary outflow tract. Active contraction of the pulmonary outflow tract stops pulmonary ejection and a second-stage pressure rise is seen in the right ventricle. When systemic blood pressures are high, this second-stage pressure does not reach the levels recorded in the left aorta, and the left aortic valves remain closed so that lung and body circuits are functionally separate. An alternation of flow is found in the left aorta under these conditions, with reversed flow during systole and forward flow during diastole. Flow rates are extremely low, compared with those in the right aorta or pulmonary arteries, and the foramen of Panizza has very little significance in the cardiac cycle. If the systemic blood pressures are low, the second stage of systole in the right ventricle gives rise to pressures that are higher than those in the left aorta, the left aortic valves open and blood is ejected to the systemic circulation, giving a right-to-left shunt. This can occur with no changes in pulmonary pressures or flows. Left aortic flow is not dependent on increased constriction of the pulmonary outflow tract, which continues to function as an on-off active valve. Constriction within the lung vasculature may, on some occasions, be significant in establishing left aortic flow, but it is clear from the present work that low systemic blood pressure is a factor of crucial importance.

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