
Facial nerve assumes a circuitous course through the temporal bone in human beings traversing laterally then backwards and downwards, and again forwards towards its destination. This sojourn imposes vulnerability to embryoloc!cal maldevelopments, pathological process ischaemic d'egenerations and the traumatic lesions (Kettet, 1946). The microanatomy of facial nerve was studied by dissecting common laboraLory animals as reported earearlier (Misra et. aL, 1978). The course appears to have lengthened in the higher animals due to more effecient auditory apparatus aquired by them and also by insinuation of condyle of mandible between eye and ear. It has been observed that the variation in the course of intraosseous facial nerve appears to be related to the contour of the skull, evolution of the middle ear structures, and the facial musculature. The length of facial nerve appears to be the linear function of the logarithm of snout to occipital dimensions in millimeters and not the size of animal. This study of comparative Anatomy of Facial Nerve is undertaken to ascertain the role of anatomical factors in various species which mould its peculiar intraosseous course instead of straight one.

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