
Entoptic imagery, which refers to reproducible visible phenomena arising within the human eye, is not a neglected subject. With Purkinje<sup>9,10</sup>it was a major field of investigation; his fiery rings are related to the present study, but he did not describe the present phenomenon proper. Helmholtz<sup>5</sup>mentions the phosphene of quick eye motion and pictures it, but he also fails to discuss it adequately. Duke-Elder<sup>3</sup>has a chapter on entoptic phenomena, but it does not include the eye-movement phosphene. Adler<sup>1</sup>devotes nine pages to entoptic imagery and does not mention the phenomenon. The closest recent approach to the present description is given by Friedman,<sup>4</sup>who states that in the dark the effects of optic nerve traction are recognized as the fiery rings of Purkinje. The circles include within their arc the blind spot. Modern abstract journals list from 5 to 30 papers per year dealing

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