
This research is a case study research using qualitative descriptive research methods. The purpose of this study is to describe the phenomenon of the Bat population in Watansoppeng City and describe the benefits of research results from the Bat population phenomenon in Watansoppeng City to be used as a source for learning Ecosystem Biology. This research was conducted at the Environmental Service of Soppeng Regency and in Botto Village, Lalabata District, Soppeng Regency. The informants of this research were 7 people, namely the Head of the Soppeng Regency Environmental Service, the Secretary of the Soppeng Regency Environmental Service and 5 people from the community. Determination of informants in this study using a purposive sampling technique. Data collection techniques used are observation, interviews and documentation by using two types of data, namely primary data and secondary data. Primary data comes from interviews and direct observations at the research site, while secondary data comes from literature review. The data analysis used is data reduction, data presentation and conclusion drawing/verification. Test the validity of the data used is triangulation. The results obtained are the phenomenon of the Bat population in Soppeng Regency which has existed for a long time due to several factors such as habitat suitability, adequate food sources, protected and preserved so that bats can live and be well preserved. Thus, the phenomenon of the Bat population as a characteristic of the city of Watansoppeng can be used as a source of learning ecosystem material biology.

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