
A study on the behaviour of prestressed concrete beams made from clinkeraggregate has been carried out at the Faculty of Civil Engineering, UTM. In thispaper, the performance of prestressed lightweight concrete beam under two pointload is discussed and comparisons are made with normal weight prestressedconcrete beam. The clinker is incorporated into the concrete as a directreplacement for both fine and coarse aggregates at 100% replacement level. Theuse of clinker lightweight concrete was found to save the amount of the total deadload up to 18.8%. The test results show that lightweight concrete using clinkerexhibit an almost similar pattern in cracking behaviour and failure modes. Thetest results show that the prestressed lightweight concrete beams can resistloading up to 90% of the normal prestressed concrete beams. The study alsoshows that clinker lightweight concrete exhibit good performance and is suitableto be used in prestressed concrete beam.

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