
The muscles and bones of the pectoral fin of Serrasalmus nattereri, the piranha, resemble those of generalized, lower teleosts with specializations related to a body shape adapted for high-speed carnivory; the pectoral fins being highly mobile with strong ligaments to the rays. The presence of two occipital nerves appears primitive, while the emergence of the subclavian artery within the branchial cavity, as in Gasteropelecus sternicla, appears specialized. The muscles and bones of the latter fish, a fresh-water flying fish, are specialized for self-propelled, aerial flight in the fusion of the right and left girdles greatly expanded for insertions of complex appendicular (flight) muscles, and in the consolidation of the rays and radials into one functional unit moving vertically in flight through contraction of vertical, massive ventral flight muscles. The bony pectoral anatomy of Electrophorus electricus, the electric eel, is specialized in having a mobile joint between the primary girdle and the cleithrum, the former being suspended vertically from the cleithrum by ligaments. The proximal radials and rays are very numerous and vertically aligned. The cleithrum is shaped to accommodate the extensive sternohyoid and pharyngocleithral muscles. The sheet-like appendicular muscles extend beyond the special joint and control its movement. The deeper muscles do not cross this joint. The arterial system is specialized in lacking a deep brachial artery.

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