
Light and scanning electron microscopy were used to examine the localization and pathogenicity of echinostomatid metacercariae infecting the kidneys of leopard frogs, Rana pipiens, and green frogs, Rana clamitans. Cysts occurred predominantly in the ventrolateral renal cortex, and at least some were confined to the lumen of the Bowman's capsules. Each vermiform metacercarial body was enclosed by a spherical cyst wall that had a uniform thickness. The wall was composed of a homogeneous material containing basic and keratinlike proteins, with sulfated acid mucopolysaccharides on the outer surface. Most cysts were enclosed by a fibrous capsule of host origin, or were surrounded by an inflammatory focus. Fibrosis was always focal, but its degree varied between individual hosts and between different cysts within the same host. Some heavily encapsulated cysts were darkened and contained disintegrating worms. In heavily infected kidneys, confluence of fibrotic or inflammatory foci resulted in the displacement of functional renal tissue. These data suggest that infection by echinostomatids may impair renal function and that the host's response affects parasite viability.

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