
In the normal male, the erect penis detumesces on withdrawal of erotic stimuli but re-erects when subjected to the appropriate stimuli of the same intensity as long as ejaculation does not take place. Ejaculation is followed by a refractory period during which the penis does not respond by erection. The major factor determining the length of this period is the man's age; one to ten minutes in males below twenty years old, prolonged to hours and even days in those seventy years or older.' This is not a linear relationship but apt to demonstrate an abrupt rise after the age of fifty? As there is no refractory period in females, it has been attributed to the loss of seminal fluid from the genital tract through ejaculation. There appears to be convincing evidence that it is not the physical phenomenon of ejaculation but its cerebral perception, orgasm, which is responsible. 1. The refractory period of the rat is reduced by mid-brain section2 2. At any age, coitus just before sleep does not interfere with the recurrent cycles of nocturnal tumescence and

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